Kapé Philippine Coffee
c/o Groundswell Social Ventures
421 – 268 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC
V6A 1X5 Canada
Email: iona@coffeeaid.net
Follow the coffee story
Instagram: http://instagram.com/kape.coffee/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kapephilippinecoffee/
Find Us
Check out where you can get Kapé:
609 Front Street, New Westminster
Passenger Cafe (try Kapé in their Ube & Pandan Iced Lattés!)
#360 - 800 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster
Phone: 604-553-1922
Unit G2A, 1001 Douglas Street
Phone: 778-440-4265
2040 - 2600 Portland Street SE
Phone: 403-457-9844
140 Westmount Avenue
Email: hazel@lioncoffee.ca
492 Parliament Street
Stay tuned as we expand our partnerships across Canada & the US!